Project Healthy India

Providing Care, Education, and prevention to rural india


Partnering to build a world where healthcare is accessible to all and prevention of chronic diseases is the primary goal.

We are two friends who met in Tampa, FL over Indian food and started to discuss how we could make rural India better! We realized we shared a passion for providing healthcare to the underprivileged given our backgrounds of cardiology, nursing, and international volunteer experience.

After that night, we decided we were going to dedicate many other nights towards creating a traveling medical camp devoted to serving rural India. Less than three months later, we were ready to launch in four separate locations throughout the country! This would not be possible without the motivation and inspiration from the villagers and the endless encouragement and support from our family, friends, and international community.



“I just found out I have BP and sugar issues. I learned I need to eat less salt and sugar. The more I give this up, the better my health will be. We should also focus on exercise which is good for your health and eat fresh fruits and vegetables.”

Devi, Tamkor

“I have never gotten my blood pressure or glucose checked. I was too scared because if they found something it would be another burden to my family. My glucose was 438 and I learned if I don’t do something about this, it could turn into a bigger problem.”

Jayaa, Valsad

“I learned today that the paralysis my brother has is actually from BP issues that were not treated. As a family, we now need to reduce our salt and to get our blood pressure checked every few weeks. I did not know that after taking medicine for 30 days, I was not cured of my problem.”

Raj, Nalanda

“I have been fit my whole life as an army officer, but I noticed I was gaining weight here. My exercise is the same. The doctor and I spoke to the cook and realized he was using over 9 liters of ghee and 15 liters of oil every two weeks to prepare our food.”

Mahesh, Surat

Our Friends


Support Us and Change a Villager’s Life Today!

100% of your donation goes directly to the villagers for medications, medical supplies, and educational materials.